Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Challenges for Families Research Project due next week!

Challenges for Families Research Project
Family Living 621                                                                                                              
 Research Project and Presentation
Solutions for Challenges of Family Life

Families are the basic foundation of our complex and diverse societies. The family unit is interconnected with the fabric of our society, and it is the means in which we pass on our culture. Our individual well-being is very much related to the strength of our family life, as families are the basis from which we are socialized and educated. Social institutions, including government and non-government agencies aid families who struggle with the many challenges of family life. Healthy families are important to our government, but to society as a whole.
Your task for this project is to choose a particular topic that is related to families, and examine how that topic presents challenges for families. Examine the topic from multiple research sources and methods (articles, websites, statistics, surveys, books, interviews, videos, etc.).  A minimum of five sources must be used for this project.
Include the following in your research project:
Part A) Researching the Issue
·         Describe the family life topic, the associated challenges, and the prevalence of this challenge in society
o    What is it, who is involved, where is it happening most, and what are the trends over time?
o    Analyze how this topic leads to challenges for families
§  This section should include the use of at least five statistics
Part B) Suggesting Solutions for these Challenges
·         Evaluate current examples of societal actions taken to address the challenges with this topic. Explain to what extent those actions are useful, and make recommendations on how they  could they be improved.
·         Propose how the challenges of this topic could be improved through specific actions by the government (consider laws, policies, public education, etc.)
·         Suggest ways that individuals could help to decrease the challenges associated with this topic.
Part C) Making connections to a case study
·         Read a relevant fiction or non-fiction book, watch a relevant feature film or documentary, or interview a relevant person of your choice
o    Describe how your case study relates to the presentation topic
o    Describe how the person/people in your case study demonstrates the challenges associated with this topic
o    Explain what you can learn on this topic by examining this case study
Part D) Creating Journal Prompt

·         For each presentation, a journal response will be required from the peer audience. Create a journal prompt for your group presentation (1-2 questions), that your peers will answer at the end of your presentation.

Presentations due: Monday, Dec.19th; Papers are due Thursday Dec.22

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Challenges for Families Research Presentations due: Mon. Dec. 19

Challenges for Families Research Presentation Evaluation:

1.    Sophisticated understanding of the complexity of the issue is demonstrated, with relevant, detailed research to support the understanding                                                             /10

2.    A research-based solution has been presented and thoroughly evaluated                                                                                                       /5

3.    Proposal for societal-based action is logical and strongly defended                                                                                                                /2.5

4.    Proposal for individual action is logical and strongly defended                                                                                                                       /2.5                                                     

5.    Case study analysis shows an in-depth understanding of the topic and its connection to the topic                                                                                                                                                                                   /5

6.    Presentation is thoughtful and interesting, engaging for peers and contains a journal prompt with a meaningful connection to the topic                                                                                                                        /5

7.    Presentation contains clear and sophisticated communication, and has purposeful organization that enhances the overall message     /5

8.    Student has good body language when presenting, a strong voice, and does not overly rely on notes. Student makes eye contact throughout presentation                                                                           / 5 marks

9.    Project is well documented using MLA format. No issues paraphrasing.
/5 marks

Friday, December 9, 2016

Transforming Gender Folder Assignment: Dec.9th

Transforming Gender                                                                                                    Name: ____________________

  1. List five (5) interesting/surprising/shocking facts/ideas/images etc. presented in the documentary.

  1. Explain the significance of the quotation “It’s challenging the most basic thing we’ve been led to believe” in relation to this video. What does this quotation tell us about the challenges faced by those in the transgender community?

3.       What comparison do they make between having to identify one’s race on paperwork in the past, with having to identify one’s gender?

Write a one page personal reflection, considering the following guiding questions:
  • What are your observations about gender norms in your community? (define community in whatever way you wish: town, family, school, province, country, religion, ethnic group).
  • Where do you see acceptance and celebrations of diversity in your community?
  • Where do you see evidence of discrimination and heterosexism?
  • How would you react if a close friend or family member came out? Consider how you would react in a private conversation, and how you would react when the person came out openly. Justify your response by reflecting on your values and how they would help you in this situation.
  • Use this paper as a rough copy for your response.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Tuesday, Nov.29th

Please complete your Gratitude Journal #6 and submit on (due: Sunday at midnight if you do no finish)

Please use the rest of the period to work on your research project on Challenges for Families.

Also, a reminder that your folders are due Thursday (I changed the date, D block) and your Stress Quiz on your "Coping with Transition" notes is also on Thursday.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Midterm Folder Assignments -- Due: Wed. Nov.30th

 Sept 7: Creating a Safe and Welcoming Enviro
 Sept 7: Canada's evolving definition of the family (abstract)
Sept 14: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs worksheet
Sept 14: Personal Hierarchy
Sept 16: Who's in what stage of the Family Life Cycle
Sept. 16: Family Sketch
 Sept      Self Esteem High and Low
Sept 20: Adler's Birth Order theory (just chart)
Sept 26: How My Family Makes a Positive Difference
Sept 27: Ways for families to connect (Reality Constraints -- long sheet)
Oct. 3: Issue Analysis -- Davis Inlet
Oct. 11: Botshabelo Fundraiser
Oct. 11 Angels in the Dust questions
Oct. 17: Defining You and Iceberg
Oct. 17: Preserving Culture
Oct. 24: Desert Flower Response
Nov. 13: Stress booklet
Nov. 13: Five Senses (Minfulness sheet when we went outside)
Nov. 13: Something More (Raisin Mindfulness Debriefing)
Nov. 21: Chat Stations
Nov. ??: Tapping Activity Debriefing
Nov ??: TED Talks Meditation
***I will allow you to miss one folder response (if one is missing, you can still get 100%)

Monday, November 21, 2016

Challenges for Families Research Project

Family Living 621                                                                                                                 Research Project and Presentation
Solutions for Challenges of Family Life

Families are the basic foundation of our complex and diverse societies. The family unit is interconnected with the fabric of our society, and it is the means in which we pass on our culture. Our individual well-being is very much related to the strength of our family life, as families are the basis from which we are socialized and educated. Social institutions, including government and non-government agencies aid families who struggle with the many challenges of family life. Healthy families are important to our government, but to society as a whole.
Your task for this project is to choose a particular topic that is related to families, and examine how that topic presents challenges for families. Examine the topic from multiple research sources and methods (articles, websites, statistics, surveys, books, interviews, videos, etc.).  A minimum of five sources must be used for this project.
Include the following in your research project:
Part A) Researching the Issue
·         Describe the family life topic, the associated challenges, and the prevalence of this challenge in society
o    What is it, who is involved, where is it happening most, and what are the trends over time?
o    Analyze how this topic leads to challenges for families
§  This section should include the use of at least five statistics
Part B) Suggesting Solutions for these Challenges
·         Evaluate current examples of societal actions taken to address the challenges with this topic. Explain to what extent those actions are useful, and make recommendations on how they  could they be improved.
·         Propose how the challenges of this topic could be improved through specific actions by the government (consider laws, policies, public education, etc.)
·         Suggest ways that individuals could help to decrease the challenges associated with this topic.
Part C) Making connections to a case study
·         Read a relevant fiction or non-fiction book, watch a relevant feature film or documentary, or interview a relevant person of your choice
o    Describe how your case study relates to the presentation topic
o    Describe how the person/people in your case study demonstrates the challenges associated with this topic
o    Explain what you can learn on this topic by examining this case study
Part D) Creating Journal Prompt

·         For each presentation, a journal response will be required from the peer audience. Create a journal prompt for your group presentation (1-2 questions), that your peers will answer at the end of your presentation. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Mindfulness Resources

Resources for Mindfulness
The Mindful Teen: Powerful Skills to Help You Handle Stress One Moment at a Time, by Dzung Vo MD (New Harbinger, 2015), is a mindfulness book for teens, with mindfulness instructions, guided meditations, examples, and youth voices. Click here to learn more about The Mindful Teen.
Here are some more useful resources for mindful teens: 
Mobile Apps
Stop, Breathe, and Think: Free web and mobile app for youth, with meditations for mindfulness and compassion Free website and mobile app with guided meditation and relaxation exercises
Insight Timer: Free mobile app with virtual “bells” to time and support your meditations
MindShift: Free mobile app for teens developed by AnxietyBC, with mindfulness and other coping skills for anxiety
Smiling Mind: Free mobile mindfulness app for young people, from Australia
Headspace: “Meditation made simple.” This app has a free introductory period, after which it requires a paid subscription to continue to use.
Breathr: This mindfulness app for youth is currently in development by the Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre (British Columbia, Canada). Dr. Vo is consulting on the development of this app. Learn more here, and stay tuned!
Mindfulness Books for Teens
Gina M. Biegel, The Stress Reduction Workbook for Teens: Mindfulness Skills to Help You Deal with Stress (Instant Help Books, 2009)
Joseph V. Ciarrochi, Louise Hayes, and Ann Bailey, Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life for Teens: A Guide to Living an Extraordinary Life (Instant Help, 2012)
Mark C. Purcell and Jason R. Murphy, Mindfulness for Teen Anger: A Workbook to Overcome Anger and Aggression Using MBSR and DBT Skills (Instant Help, 2014)
Christopher Willard, Mindfulness for Teen Anxiety: A Workbook for Overcoming Anxiety at Home, at School, and Everywhere Else (Instant Help, 2014)
Christopher Willard and Mitch Abblett, Growing Mindful: A Deck of Mindfulness Practices for All Ages (Growing Mindful Games, 2015). A deck of cards with short mindfulness practices to “cultivate mindfulness on the go.” Available here and here.
Guided Mindfulness Meditation Recordings
In addition to’s free guided meditations, here are a few more recordings:
Larry Rosen, MD. “The Buddha and the Fig Tree.” (CD, MP3)’s “Audio Resources for Guided Meditations” collection: Online, free guided meditations.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Jeopardy Review for Test (please remember to study Family Patterns notes!!)

**If you select "download" you can download it to your computer as a pptx and play it interactively (or you can just skip through the slides on slideshare, but it's not as good!)

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Please note that I forgot to include the notes on Family Patterns on your hard copy!! They will be on the test!

Family Living 621A Unit 1 Test Review – Tuesday, October 25th
**You are responsible for all hand-outs, notes, etc. This is an overview of the material you are responsible for.
Introduction to Families
ü  First Families (Why did we start grouping ourselves in family groupings?)
ü  First Family Groupings (hordes, group marriage, informal pairing)
ü  Definition of Family
ü  Six Functions of the Family (Identify and Describe)
ü  Context and Inclusivity in Canada's Evolving Definition of the Family Abstract (questions)

Functions of the Family

ü  Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (be able to draw, label and explain)
ü  Adler's Birth Order Theory
ü  You must be able to explain these theories and apply them to presented scenarios
ü  Self-Esteem and How it Develops (questions from the Self Esteem workbook)
Family Patterns
ü  Types of Families
ü  Family Personalities
ü  Management Styles
ü  Family Life Cycle
Society and the Family
ü  Socioeconomic status (define, effect on the family)
ü  Patterns of Low Socio-economic status (The Vicious Cycle Video – know diagram and be able to explain)
ü  Four Feet Up (video)
ü  Davis Inlet (Issue Analysis)
Trends that Affect Families
ü  Be able to compare historic and current data on family trends such as: marital age, family size, divorce rates, and family demographics and be able to make predictions about future family trends in each of the categories.
Families and Culture
ü  Define culture
ü  Elements of culture
ü  Importance of culture
ü  How does The Universal Declaration of Human Rights relate to culture?
ü  Hall's Iceberg Model of Culture (be able to explain this model and give examples of the visible and invisible manifestations of culture)
ü  Terms: enculturation, cultural preservation, multiculturalism, ethnocentrism (be able to answer questions relating to these terms in your slideshow)

ü  Preserving Culture (how do we do this? Importance of traditions)

Monday, October 17, 2016

Unit 1 Test Review (Test is Tue, Oct. 25th)

Family Living 621A Unit 1 Test Review – Tuesday, October 25th
**You are responsible for all hand-outs, notes, etc. This is an overview of the material you are responsible for.
Introduction to Families
ü  First Families (Why did we start grouping ourselves in family groupings?)
ü  First Family Groupings (hordes, group marriage, informal pairing)
ü  Definition of Family
ü  Six Functions of the Family (Identify and Describe)
ü  Context and Inclusivity in Canada's Evolving Definition of the Family Abstract (questions)

Functions of the Family

ü  Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (be able to draw, label and explain)
ü  Adler's Birth Order Theory
ü  You must be able to explain these theories and apply them to presented scenarios
ü  Self-Esteem and How it Develops (questions from the Self Esteem workbook)
Society and the Family
ü  Socioeconomic status (define, effect on the family)
ü  Patterns of Low Socio-economic status (The Vicious Cycle Video – know diagram and be able to explain)
ü  Four Feet Up (video)
ü  Davis Inlet (Issue Analysis)
Trends that Affect Families
ü  Be able to compare historic and current data on family trends such as: marital age, family size, divorce rates, and family demographics and be able to make predictions about future family trends in each of the categories.
Families and Culture
ü  Define culture
ü  Elements of culture
ü  Importance of culture
ü  How does The Universal Declaration of Human Rights relate to culture?
ü  Hall's Iceberg Model of Culture (be able to explain this model and give examples of the visible and invisible manifestations of culture)
ü  Terms: enculturation, cultural preservation, multiculturalism, ethnocentrism (be able to answer questions relating to these terms in your slideshow)

ü  Preserving Culture (how do we do this? Importance of traditions)

Friday, October 7, 2016

Four Feet Up video link -- Questions due on Wednesday, Oct.12

Watch the documentary here:

FAM621:  Challenges for Families – Poverty in Canada

Film Analysis: “Four Feet Up”                                                                         /16 marks

Please answer the following questions in well structured sentences.  Good copy must be turned in via

Click on this link to watch the NFB documentary “Four Feet Up”

1.      Keep note of significant quotes, images and scenes that stand out most for you as you watch the film. Choose two of those quotes, images or scenes that you noted, and discuss why those parts of the film were particularly memorable for you. (4 points)

2.      The main topic of this film is poverty. What is the main message that the filmmaker is communicating about poverty ?  Justify your response with specific references to parts of the film. (4 points)

3.      What is your personal reaction to seeing this film? Describe the emotions you felt, and make connections to other things you have either experienced in life or learned. (4 points)

Please use the remainder of class to start a rough draft for this assignment.

Your good copy is due on on:_________________________________

ü  Content           (12 marks)
ü  Conventions    (4 marks)

=16 marks

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Institutions and Organizations that Aid Families Assignment

Institutions and Organizations that Aid Families

Research an institution or an organization that works to help families meet their needs. Please sign up for your institution/organization with me first.

Create a slideshow advertising this organization’s services, with the target audience being for a community fair to promote families and community wellness. You MUST submit your slideshow on

**Please include a citation at the bottom of each slide; you also must include a Works Cited slide.
Please visit:  for more information regarding citations and format.

You can view the grading rubric for this project online (it is attached to the assignment on
You must clearly present the goals and initiatives of your chosen institution/organization.
You must clearly show how the organization helps families (you should have at least one slide that specifically demonstrates this).
Please include photos to enhance your presentation
You MUST paraphrase (read: PUT IT IN YOUR OWN WORDS) the information. Do not cut and paste. A thesaurus can be a helpful tool when paraphrasing. A mark of zero will be given to projects that have copied information word for word ( will detect this).
Please write all information in complete sentences using proper spelling/grammar.
Please include a citation at the bottom of each slide.
Please include a properly formatted Works Cited page.
Please view marking rubric on

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Thursday, Sept.22

Today we will be working on the following:

Gratitude Journal #2 (please submit to when you finish)

Healthy Living Assignment
Please reflect and elaborate on the following prompts, and submit your final copy to
**Please copy, paste, and BOLD these prompts into a word doc and then insert your answers. Your response should be an honest, thoughtful reflection that is written in well structured, coherent sentences/paragraphs.

ü  I wish the grade eight version of myself would know...
ü  I am most afraid of……..
ü  I often dream about…..
ü  Ten years from now, I see myself…..
ü  I most enjoy…..
ü  I least enjoy…..
ü  I am most proud of…..
ü  I get embarrassed when….
ü  I often worry about…..

ü  I am happiest when….

Thursday, September 8, 2016 Account Creation Info

Please go to  and login to your account OR create a new account if you do not already have one (please see me for sheets on account set up and assignment submission).

VERY IMPORTANT: Your login name should look like this: Kate Flick (appropriate capitals -- please do not use all lowercase etc.) If you already have an account and you did not use capital letters, please edit your username information (come see me if you need help!)

After you are logged into your account, you must join my class. Please be sure to join the appropriate class section "Block C" or "Block D".

Block C: 

Class ID: 13483575
Password: raiders

Block D:

Class ID: 13483589
Password: raiders

After you have created your account and joined my class, please write me a short message about what you are most interested in learning about in this course and submit it to "test paper".

After you have completed your test paper, please confirm with me that I received your paper and I will give you the necessary sheets for your Gratitude Journal assignment.

Please read the article and complete the questions in your NOTEBOOKS (for an upcoming test).
After you've completed the questions, you may begin working on your first Gratitude Journal which is due no later than Monday, Sept.12th.

Gratitude Journal Assignment

FAM 621A: Stress Management
Gratitude Journal
Due dates:
**All entries must be submitted via
Your journal entries will be due on the following dates:
Sept. 9th
Sept. 23rd
Oct. 7th
Oct. 21st
Nov. 4th
Nov. 18th
Dec. 2nd
Dec. 16th

A gratitude journal is a great way to keep you in a thankful and positive state of mind.
The idea is that each week you will recognize the small, yet positive things in life and focus on them as opposed to all the negative things that are all too easy to focus on at times.
Assignment: Students will…
Each student will identify five (5) things that they are genuinely thankful for. In each entry you will list the previous items you were thankful for; this will ensure no repetition. (You may choose to point form list your previous entries without description, or copy and paste the full entry, both will be accepted)  Full description and detail as to why you are thankful for these items is required. At least one (1) ‘thing you are grateful for’ each week should focus on actions of others or things that happened that week that you are thankful for.
Tips and examples on how to get started:
·          Avoid repeating the same things. As the weeks go on, this will make writing your entries more challenging, but that's how your awareness and thankfulness will grow. You will be challenging yourself to find new things to be thankful for that perhaps you never noticed before.
·          It's easiest to recognize things that sustain your life here on Earth like your house, your bed, your clothes, your food etc. Be sure to explain how this makes you feel and why you're grateful for it.
o    Example - I am grateful for my house. My house warms my body and shelters and protects me. It gives me a sense of relief knowing that there is always a comforting place to come back to. I have lived in my house my whole life and there are so many memories of my childhood associated with my home. It not only provides me shelter, but is an integral part of my family’s heritage and identity.
·          You can start by feeling grateful to be alive at all. Then start writing about feeling grateful to have the body you have, even if you don't like everything. Avoid the trap of being grateful for something that is better than what other people have. Instead, compare whatever you are grateful for, with how you would feel if you didn't have it at all.
·          There are always situations that have made us happy. For example, you may be grateful for a fun party, a good day at school/work, a fun vacation.
Assessment Rubric:

Needs Improvement
Delivery of Gratitude Entry
Entry has five (5) unique ideas in post. Rare misspellings occur. Items from previous week(s) are listed.
Entry has at least 4 ideas in post. Few grammatical or spelling errors are noted in post.
Fewer than four (4) ideas in post. Errors in spelling and grammar evidenced in several posts.
Detail & Description of Entry

For each point of gratitude a detailed description of why you are thankful for this is given.
A description is given for some of the points of gratitude but not all. A description is given for each, but they lack detail as to why you are thankful.
Points of gratitude are listed but lack description as to why these items make you thankful.
Expression within the post

Honest thought and a real connection to the purpose of the assignment is expressed in each post. At least one (1) item relates to the action of others or events that happened to you.
Some thought is put into the post; an occasional lack of connection to the purpose of the assignment is evidenced. Some entries appear rushed. Items do not relate to actions or events.
A lack of real effort and thought is noticeable. Hasty posts seem to be given just to complete assignment.