Thursday, October 15, 2015

Unit 1 Test: Tuesday, Oct. 20th

Family Living 621A Unit 1 Test Review            Test date: Tuesday, October 20th 2015
**You are responsible for all hand-outs, notes, etc. This is an overview of the material you are responsible for.

Introduction to Families
ü  First Families (Why did we start grouping ourselves in family groupings?)
ü  First Family Groupings (hordes, group marriage, informal pairing)
ü  Definition of Family
ü  Six Functions of the Family (identify and describe)
ü  Context and Inclusivity in Canada's Evolving Definition of the Family Abstract (questions)
Family Patterns
ü  Types of Families
ü  Personalities of Families
ü  Family Life Cycle

Functions of the Family
ü  Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (be able to draw, label and explain)
ü  Adler's Birth Order Theory
ü  You must be able to explain these theories and apply them to presented scenarios
ü  Genie Wiley story (questions from folder assignment)

Society and the Family
ü  Socioeconomic status (define, effect on the family)
ü  Patterns of Low Socio-economic status (The Vicious Cycle Video)
ü  Be able to list and give definitions of institutions/organizations that aid families
ü  Four Feet Up (video)
ü  Davis Inlet
ü  Poverty on PEI (be able to identify issues relating to this and their impact on the individual/society)
o    Food insecurity and its impact on individual/society

Trends that Affect Families
ü  Be able to identify and explain a trend relating to families and its impact.

Families and Culture
ü  Define culture
ü  Elements of culture
ü  Importance of culture
ü  How does The Universal Declaration of Human Rights relate to culture?
ü  Hall's Iceberg Model of Culture (be able to explain this model and give examples of the visible and invisible manifestations of culture)
ü  Terms: enculturation, cultural preservation, multiculturalism, ethnocentrism (be able to answer questions relating to these terms in your slideshow)
ü  Preserving Culture (how do we do this? Importance of traditions)

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Institutions and Organizations that Aid Families Slideshow

Institutions and Organizations that Aid Families

Research an institution or an organization that works to help families meet their needs. Please sign up for your institution/organization with me first.

Create a slideshow advertising this organization’s services, with the target audience being for a community fair to promote families and community wellness. You MUST submit your slideshow on

**Please include a citation at the bottom of each slide; you also must include a Works Cited slide.
ü  Please visit:  for more information regarding citations and format.

You can view the grading rubric for this project online (it is attached to the assignment on
ü  You must clearly present the goals and initiatives of your chosen institution/organization.
ü  You must clearly show how the organization helps families.
ü  Please include photos to enhance your presentation
ü  You MUST paraphrase (read: PUT IT IN YOUR OWN WORDS) the information. Do not cut and paste. A thesaurus can be a helpful tool when paraphrasing. A mark of zero will be given to projects that have copied information word for word ( will detect this).
ü  Please write all information in complete sentences using proper spelling/grammar.
ü  Please include a citation at the bottom of each slide.