Tuesday, September 29, 2015

September 29th, 2015

Vicious of Cycle of Education video clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3o45dVVbFNo

Reminder: Please hand in your Operation Beautiful photos and sheet by Monday.

Your paragraph on the dress code is due Friday!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tuesday, Sept. 22

Group work: Family Constraints
Completed folder assignment (sheet)
Passed out All About You booklet (to be completed)

Monday, Sept. 21st

Folder assignment: Self Esteem -- High and Low (hand-out)
Completed notes and introduced Operation Beautiful assignment (hand-out and video clip).

Friday, September 18, 2015

Journal #1 Prompt

Please set up a turnitin.com account and submit a test paper to me. After that is done you must confirm with me that your paper went through. After confirmation from me, you may begin working on your journal entry.

  • Class ID: 10741109
  • Enrollment password: raiders
Journal #1:

Please respond to the following prompts in well written sentences. Your response should be 2-3 pages, double-spaced, Calibri, font size 11. I will only accept entries submitted via turnitin.com . Please review rubric (on turnitin.com). You will be marked on grammar/spelling, as well as the depth of your response.

ü  How are you alike/unlike your family members?
ü  How has your family influenced your life?
ü  What knowledge and skills have you gained from your family that you use outside of your family life?
ü  In what ways does your family make a positive difference in your life?
ü  Imagine yourself 20 years from now. Where do you think you will live? What relationships do you expect to have then? In many cases, your family ties may be the only relationships in common between present and future. How would you feel if this were the case for you?

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Sept. 16th, 2015

  • Introduced Alfred Adler's "Birth Order Theory" (read two articles)
  • Class discussion on where people fit in their own family's birth order
  • Folder assignment:

Please read the provided articles and answer the following questions.
“The Birth Order Theory”
1.       What is Alfred Adler’s Birth Order Theory?
2.       Why was Adler misunderstood? Explain.
3.       How does the “nature versus nurture” theory affect Adler’s theory?
4.       Read Adler’s general classifications of birth order.
·         Where do you fit in the order?
·         Does your personality match the description?
·         Where do your siblings fit in the order? Are their descriptions accurate? Explain.
“Adler’s Individual Psychology Theory”
1.       Explain how Adler’s inferiority theory can affect an individual both positively and negatively.
2.       Briefly describe Adler’s three parenting styles. Which is the best approach? Why?

Assignment: Interview at least ten people (you can include yourself) to determine if they fit Adler’s personality classification according to birth order.
Interview questions:
·         Where do you fall in the birth order of your family?
·         Use 3-5 words to describe yourself (ex: motivated, lazy, creative, punctual, etc)
·         How many years are there between you and your siblings?
·         What is your relationship like with your siblings?
·         **if subject is an only child ask what their experience has been like growing up without siblings.
·         If subject is a twin inquire about he personality difference between the two siblings. Does one twin fit in Adler’s classification of the first born/second born?
Please use a chart to organize the data you collect.
Name and Age
Place in birth order
Years between siblings
Words used to describe him/herself
Adler’s belief
Age: 17 years

Middle child
2 years between youngest; 3 years between oldest
Type A

Independent, sometimes feel forgotten. Good social skills
In this circumstance it appears that Adler’s theory does not apply

With your chart, please include a summary of your experience, with your conclusions relating to Adler’s Birth Order Theory and the data you collected.

Sept. 14th: Genie Wiley Story Folder Assignment and Video Clip Links

Folder Assignment: Genie Wiley Story
Please watch the following video clips:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CV6LEf7EDAQ


Please answer the following questions and log this as “Genie Wiley Story” in your folders.

1.  List some of the behaviors/characteristics exhibited by   Genie that are not normal for a 13 year old girl.

2.  List specific elements of Genie’s environment and   upbringing that would constitute abuse.

3.  What are critical periods? What implication do they have for   neglected children?

4.  What does the video tell us about the influence of   environment and family on an individual’s development?