Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Cultural Differences Research Presentation

Cultural Differences Research Presentation
The world in which we live is extremely diverse.  An understanding of various cultures allows us the opportunity to appreciate traditions, customs and values that we may not be accustomed to.
For this assignment, you will research the customs, traditions and values of one country or culture in the following areas:
·         Background information
·         Food
·         Family Dynamics
·         Religion
·         Housing
·         Holidays
·         Fashion
·         One other area of interest
·         Conclusion

Criteria for the assignment:
You must pass in the 'rough notes' handout to me before you present.
ü  You must submit your slideshow via Turnitin.com. Please see me for a hand-out explaining how to do this if you are unsure.
ü  You must include at least one slide for each topic (minimum nine (9) slides plus a title slide and a works cited slide = 11 slides minimum
ü  You must include a properly formatted citation at the bottom of each slide.
ü  Please visit:  http://owl.english.purdue.edu/  for more information regarding citations and format.
ü  You must include a properly formatted Works Cited (MLA) with your assignment.
ü  In your concluding slide(s) please note any similarities or differences between this culture and your own culture.
PPlease note: 

ü  You may work alone or with a partner (if you are working with a partner you should both complete the sheets and compile your information for your presentation -- your presentation should be close to double the length of expectations stated above).

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