Thursday, October 30, 2014

Monday, October 27, 2014

Unit 1 Test Review (Thursday, Oct.30th)

Family Living 621A Unit 1 Test Review
**You are responsible for all hand-outs, notes, etc. This is an overview of the material you are responsible for.
Introduction to Families
ü  First Families (Why did we start grouping ourselves in family groupings?)
ü  First Family Groupings (hordes, group marriage, informal pairing)
ü  Definition of Family
ü  Six Functions of the Family (Identify and Describe)
ü  Context and Inclusivity in Canada's Evolving Definition of the Family Abstract (questions)
Family Patterns
ü  Types of Families
ü  Personalities of Families
ü  Family Life Cycle

Functions of the Family

ü  Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (be able to draw, label and explain)
ü  Adler's Birth Order Theory
ü  You must be able to explain these theories and apply them to presented scenarios
Society and the Family
ü  Socioeconomic status (define, effect on the family)
ü  Patterns of Low Socio-economic status (The Vicious Cycle Video)
ü  Be able to list and give definitions of institutions/organizations that aid families
ü  Four Feet Up (video)
Trends that Affect Families
ü  Be able to list and explain trends that affect families (ex: aging population, changing workplace, service industry, etc.)
Families and Culture
ü  Define culture
ü  Elements of culture
ü  Importance of culture
ü  How does The Universal Declaration of Human Rights relate to culture?
ü  Hall's Iceberg Model of Culture (be able to explain this model and give examples of the visible and invisible manifestations of culture)
ü  Terms: enculturation, cultural preservation, multiculturalism, ethnocentrism (be able to answer questions relating to these terms in your slideshow)
ü  Preserving Culture (how do we do this? Importance of traditions)

Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday, Oct. 24th

Culture notes
Folder assignment "Who Am I?"
Be prepared for our test, next Thursday and you Cultural Presentation next Wednesday:)

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Wed. Oct. 23

Lesson on culture (notes)
Tomorrow there will be a guest speaker presenting on issues relating to being transgendered and the transgender community.

Unit 1 test will be Tuesday or Wednesday!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Cultural Differences Research Presentation

Cultural Differences Research Presentation
The world in which we live is extremely diverse.  An understanding of various cultures allows us the opportunity to appreciate traditions, customs and values that we may not be accustomed to.
For this assignment, you will research the customs, traditions and values of one country or culture in the following areas:
·         Background information
·         Food
·         Family Dynamics
·         Religion
·         Housing
·         Holidays
·         Fashion
·         One other area of interest
·         Conclusion

Criteria for the assignment:
You must pass in the 'rough notes' handout to me before you present.
ü  You must submit your slideshow via Please see me for a hand-out explaining how to do this if you are unsure.
ü  You must include at least one slide for each topic (minimum nine (9) slides plus a title slide and a works cited slide = 11 slides minimum
ü  You must include a properly formatted citation at the bottom of each slide.
ü  Please visit:  for more information regarding citations and format.
ü  You must include a properly formatted Works Cited (MLA) with your assignment.
ü  In your concluding slide(s) please note any similarities or differences between this culture and your own culture.
PPlease note: 

ü  You may work alone or with a partner (if you are working with a partner you should both complete the sheets and compile your information for your presentation -- your presentation should be close to double the length of expectations stated above).

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Tue and Wed Oct 7th and 8th

Tuesday: handed out notes and booklets on "Trends and Issues Affecting Families"
worked on booklets in groups

Wed: computer lab working on assignments (both due Wed)

Upcoming Assignments

"Four Feet Up" assignments AND "Institutions and Organizations that Aid Families" assignments are both due by Wed at midnight on They will not be accepted in hard copy!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Institutions and Organizations that Aid Families

Institutions and Organizations that Aid Families

Research an institution or an organization that works to help families meet their needs. Please sign up for your institution/organization with me first.

Create a slideshow advertising this organization’s services, with the target audience being for a community fair to promote families and community wellness. You MUST submit your slideshow on

**Please include a citation at the bottom of each slide; you also must include a Works Cited slide.
ü  Please visit:  for more information regarding citations and format.

Services of organization are accurately portrayed in sufficient detail to lead families towards this institution or organization                                                                                                                                                /10
Slideshow is attractive, neat, and commands attention  (text is not crowded; images present)                                                                                                                                                                                                                    /5                                                                                                                           
Message is communicated effectively (clear, conventions, documentation)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         /5
Total                     /20