- Introduced Alfred Adler's "Birth Order" theory.
- Completed questions and collected data from classmates to complete chart.
Folder assignment:
Please read the
provided articles and answer the following questions.
“The Birth Order Theory”
What is Alfred Adler’s Birth
Order Theory?
Why was Adler misunderstood?
How does the “nature versus
nurture” theory affect Adler’s theory?
Read Adler’s general
classifications of birth order.
Where do you fit in the order?
Does your personality match the
Where do your siblings fit in
the order? Are their descriptions accurate? Explain.
“Adler’s Individual Psychology Theory”
Explain how Adler’s inferiority
theory can affect an individual both positively and negatively.
Briefly describe Adler’s three
parenting styles. Which is the best approach? Why?
Assignment: Interview at least ten
people (you can include yourself) to determine if they fit Adler’s personality
classification according to birth order.
Interview questions:
Where do you fall in the birth
order of your family?
Use 3-5 words to describe
yourself (ex: motivated, lazy, creative, punctual, etc)
How many years are there
between you and your siblings?
What is your relationship like
with your siblings?
**if subject is an only child
ask what their experience has been like growing up without siblings.
If subject is a twin inquire
about he personality difference between the two siblings. Does one twin fit in
Adler’s classification of the first born/second born?
Please use a chart to organize the data you collect.
Name and Age
Place in birth order
Years between siblings
Words used to describe him/herself
Adler’s belief
Age: 17 years
Middle child
2 years between youngest; 3 years between oldest
Type A
Independent, sometimes feel forgotten. Good social
In this circumstance it appears that Adler’s theory
does not apply
With your chart, please include a summary
of your experience, with your conclusions relating to Adler’s Birth Order
Theory and the data you collected.
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