Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Monday, Sept.30th

Passed out fill in the blanks notes -- Society and Family
Watched video clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3o45dVVbFNo

Please complete notes on the video if you were absent.

Tried to watch video clips on Davis Inlet ( computer not working at this point). We will try again tomorrow!

Folder assignment: If parenthood required a license (hand-out)

Monday, September 29, 2014

Catch up! Monday, Sept. 29th

Sorry for the lack of posts -- now that my children are healthy (knock on wood), I should be here all week!

Today we finished the documentary "Angels in the Dust". Students are required to complete the booklets (as a folder assignment. You are only required to choose three (3) questions to respond to from questions 1-5). We will be working on question #6 as a journal response.

The documentary provided a good introduction to how socio-economic status has a huge impact on the family unit (access to food/water/shelter, education, medical treatments, etc.)

In tomorrow's class we will further be looking at how socio-economic status impacts the family (notes, video clip, and article analysis -- group jigsaw). See you in class!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Mon. Sept.22

Worked on Journal #2 in computer lab
Students were asked to resubmit Journal #1 to new assignment created on turnitin.com
Students passed in Operation Beautiful assignment

Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday, Sept.19th

Passed out fill in the blanks notes on "Family Patterns"
Discussed advantages and disadvantages of various family groupings
Operation Beautiful is due Monday!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thursday, Sept. 18th

Completed booklet of worksheets investigating personality traits and external influences (worth marks as a rough copy for you journal assignment).

Goals and Motivations assignment is due tomorrow!
Operation Beautiful assignment is due Monday!

Journal #2:
ü Read over  the booklet you completed “The YOU Report Card”.  Please write a 2-3 page (typed, double spaced, Calibri size 11 font) journal reflection on your responses.

ü Your journal entry should investigate different aspects of your personality and outside influences (family, friends,  society, etc.). 

ü Feel free to elaborate on any of the topics covered in your worksheets. Your journal is due Friday, September 19th on www.turnitin.com. You must submit your booklet as a “rough draft” worth marks.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wednesday, Sept.17th

Finished Functions of the Family notes
Folder assignment: Self-Esteem (double-sided sheet)
New assignment: Operation Beautiful (passed out sheet, watched intro. video clip) Due: Monday!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday, Sept.16th

  • Introduced Alfred Adler's "Birth Order" theory.
  • Completed questions and collected data from classmates to complete chart.

Folder assignment:

Please read the provided articles and answer the following questions.
“The Birth Order Theory”
1.       What is Alfred Adler’s Birth Order Theory?
2.       Why was Adler misunderstood? Explain.
3.       How does the “nature versus nurture” theory affect Adler’s theory?
4.       Read Adler’s general classifications of birth order.
·         Where do you fit in the order?
·         Does your personality match the description?
·         Where do your siblings fit in the order? Are their descriptions accurate? Explain.
“Adler’s Individual Psychology Theory”
1.       Explain how Adler’s inferiority theory can affect an individual both positively and negatively.
2.       Briefly describe Adler’s three parenting styles. Which is the best approach? Why?

Assignment: Interview at least ten people (you can include yourself) to determine if they fit Adler’s personality classification according to birth order.
Interview questions:
·         Where do you fall in the birth order of your family?
·         Use 3-5 words to describe yourself (ex: motivated, lazy, creative, punctual, etc)
·         How many years are there between you and your siblings?
·         What is your relationship like with your siblings?
·         **if subject is an only child ask what their experience has been like growing up without siblings.
·         If subject is a twin inquire about he personality difference between the two siblings. Does one twin fit in Adler’s classification of the first born/second born?
Please use a chart to organize the data you collect.
Name and Age
Place in birth order
Years between siblings
Words used to describe him/herself
Adler’s belief
Age: 17 years

Middle child
2 years between youngest; 3 years between oldest
Type A

Independent, sometimes feel forgotten. Good social skills
In this circumstance it appears that Adler’s theory does not apply

With your chart, please include a summary of your experience, with your conclusions relating to Adler’s Birth Order Theory and the data you collected.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday, Sept. 15th

Notes on Functions of the Family
Introduced new assignment: "Goals and Motivations assignment" Due: Friday, Sept.19th

Family Living 621
Goals & Motivation Assignment
Please read the following instructions for your Goals & Motivation Assignment. You will be allowed some creativity in regards to how you create your composition.
1.      For this assignment, you will create a composition that is 8.5” x 11” (landscape) and depicts two goals that you have. One will be a long range goal while the other is a short range goal. You can create this assignment by using MS Word, MS Paint, another graphic software program or you may hand draw and color your work. If you decide to hand draw your work, it will need to be scanned into an electronic document for submission.
2.      The long range goal will be one that you want to accomplish within the next five years while the short range goal is one that you want to accomplish within the next year.
3.      You will divide the composition into two halves. Your short range goal will be places on the right side and your long range goal will be placed on the left. For example:
Short Range Goal
Long Range Goal


4.      State each goal at the top of the halves. Make sure to include the time line for the goal. For example: “Within the year I will learn to swim” or “By the end of the school year, I will have an A average in Math.”
5.      Underneath each goal, identify five reasons why you are motivated to achieve this goal. Include a graphic for each motivation and identify which level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs would be satisfied by each motivation.
6.      You will be graded on your understanding of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, your composition, and your understanding of goals and motivations. A grading rubric has been provided for you on the backside of this page. Please read over it so that you understand how you will be graded.

Your assignment is DUE: Friday, Sept. 19th

Family Living 621A: Goals and Motivations Assignment

Presentation                                                                                                                                                     /5 marks
·         neatly presented
·         use of color
·         graphics/symbols highlight motivations

Content                                                                                                                                                               /10 marks
·         Student’s assignment demonstrates their knowledge of short term
and long term goals.
·         Student includes at least five (5) reasons (motivations)to support his/her short term goal.
·         Student includes at least five (5) reasons (motivations) to support his/her long term goal.
·         Student identifies which level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs would be satisfied by each motivation.

Conventions                                                                                                                                                      /5 marks
·         Assignment is completed using proper spellings and grammar.

Total:                     /20 marks