Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Midterm Evaluation

Family Living 621                                                                                                             November Midterm Evaluation
Kate Myron Flick                                                                                                              Oral Presentation
Value: 10% of your overall mark

For your midterm evaluation, you will research a topic assigned to you relating to human sexuality (STI’s or birth control options).

ü  You will create an oral presentation (approximately 5 minutes) to educate classmates on your topic.

You must include the following:

·         How it is contracted & spread
·         Trends
·         Symptoms and consequences
·         Means of prevention
·         Treatment
·         Statistics (Canada AND PEI)
·         Any other relevant information

Birth Control Method:
·         How it works (please identify if it is a hormonal or natural method.)
·         Benefits (Pros)
·         Side effects (Cons)
·         Cost
·         Availability
·         Effectiveness
·         Use (explain what steps must be taken by the user to ensure effectiveness of this method)
·         Availability or usage rates (Canada AND PEI)
·         Any other relevant information

ü  You must also have a visual for your project (ie: posters, diagrams, powerpoint presentation, etc.)

ü  You must cite all your sources and provide a typed write-up of your presentation. If you use a slideshow, you can print out a hand-out version as your write-up (please ensure that each slide has an MLA citation at the bottom). If you do not use a slideshow, your written component must have a citation after every thought/idea.

ü  You must submit a properly formatted Works Cited page, MLA format.

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