Saturday, March 24, 2012

Independent Novel Study

Flick Family Living 621 Independent Novel

You will be asked to pass in a journal at the end of this study. At the beginning of your journal entries, please provide a brief synopsis or summary of your novel. You must also include the following information: title, author, divisions for your journal. You will be assessed on the depth/quality of your observations, connections, comments etc.)

Select any four stopping points in your reading selection and complete the following journal entries:

Entry 1 Due: Wednesday, Feb. 29
Anomalies: What’s on your mind?
After reading your first division, write down three quotations that you found new or interesting or that caused tension for you as you read. Write a few lines after each quotation explaining why you chose it. Rank your quotations from the most anomalous or interesting (surprising) to the least anomalous. Be prepared to share and discuss these in a group and to hand in after. Explain the connections you made while reading these quotations (to your own life, the outside world etc.) You will be graded on your conventions, the quotations you chose, and your reflection (connections both personal and societal).

Entry 2 Due: Wednesday, March 7
Postcards of the Mind
After reading the second division of your reading selection, name three issues, conflicts, or ideas that connect to this course in some way or that lingered in your mind. Name the issue/idea without going back to the chapters. After this, go back to the chapter and in one sentence, paraphrase how the author talks about it and outline your own thoughts about it and why you think it connects to this course. Choose one of the issues and create either ten (10) Facebook status updates (you must identify the “speaker”). You should also include a minimum of five (5) “comments” from other characters in your novel. Statuses and comment should be relevant and characters involved. OR create ten (10) “tweets” (you must identify the “speaker”). You must include a minimum of five (5) hashtags that are relevant to the issue and characters involved.

Entry 3 Due: Thursday, March 15
Discussion Points
After reading the third division of your book/novel select two quotations, ask two questions, and state two issues that came to mind as you read. After each quotation/question/issue, write a few lines about why the selections were chosen and the importance or implications of the quotations/questions/issues. Be prepared to share and discuss these in a group and to hand in after.

Entry 4 Due: Wednesday, March 28
Theme and Image
For the last division of your book/novel, focus on what questions came to your mind as you read. What issues did the author make you think about? Create a collage that reflects one theme, and write a caption that explains the connection of your visual to the theme that came to mind as your read. Be prepared to share and discuss your work with the entire class.

Conclusion (March 28 with entry 4)
In a final concluding paragraph(s) answer the following questions:
What did the story mean to you?
What does it remind you of?
How did it make you feel?
How does it connect to this course?

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