Thursday, January 21, 2016

Updated Final Exam Review

Family Living 621A Final Exam Review 2016
**You are responsible for all hand-outs, notes, etc. This is an overview of the material you are responsible for.
How to Cope with  Transition:  Managing your Stress Levels (slideshow)
ü  You are responsible for all notes
ü  Gratitude article questions

Relationships: Attraction and Love (slideshow)
ü  Evolutionary psychology theory of sexual attraction
ü  Adaptive Behaviour for Sexual Attraction (females vs. males)
ü  Be able to discuss whether or not the adaptive behavior for sexual attraction still applies today (not for yourself personally, but look at the info. In your notes)
ü  Social homogamy (definition, examples of social homogamy)
ü  Ideal Mate Theory (definition, how it supports “love at first sight theory” and “social homogamy”)
ü  Attraction as Fair Exchange
ü  Sternberg’s Love Triangle (be able to draw and label and explain – see worksheet)
ü  Be able to distinguish between love and infatuation (worksheet)
ü  Intimacy (definition)
ü  Science of Love (process, state of limerance)
ü  Media’s portrayal of Love
ü  Attributes of Romantic Love (hand-out)


ü  Courtship (article “The Dating Mind” questions)
ü  Courtship rituals
ü  Evolution of Dating
ü  Mustein’s Filter Theory (hand-out)
ü  Script Theory
ü  21st century mate selection (possible challenges involved with online dating industry)
ü  Dating Bill of Rights (hand-out)

Recognizing Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships (slideshow)

ü  Importance of Communication (things good communicators do)
ü  Conflict Resolution (strategies, I-Messages)
ü  Recognizing the signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships
ü  Types of Dating violence (Sexual, Physical, Emotional, Psychological, Financial)
ü  Date rape (definition, male rape)
ü  Be able to comment on the social experiment video in the elevator – why do you think people did not intervene? How is this perpetuating the issue of domestic violence?
ü  Early Warning Signs of Dating Violence (hand-out)
ü  Profile of an Abuser (hand-out)

Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation (slideshow)

ü  Know all Key terms related to human sexuality
ü  “No Libido Credo” questions

Final Exam Format: Multiple choice, fill in the blanks, matching, true or false, short answer questions and an essay (**more information to come on the essay.
Researched Essay: Future of Families (pre-planning during Friday and Monday’s classes).

Friday, January 15, 2016

Final Folder Assignments (will be updated again next week if need be)

Nov. 24 Luke Bryan -- Home Alone
Nov. 26: Top Ten Characteristics
Nov. 27: Is it Love or Infatuation?
Dec. 4th: Blank Space -- Tswift
Dec. 10: Dating Do's and Don'ts
Dec. 11th: Lynds Gaudet -- Trans Gender
Dec. 16th: Dating Do's and Don'ts skit sheet
Dc. 21st: Transforming Gender
Jan. 12th: I Messages Worksheet and Role plays
Jan. 15th: Down Syndrome presentation and reflection
Jan. 15th:“Are you an Effective Communicator?” “Name that Communication Blocker”
Jan. 20th: STI Anchor Chart Self Evaluation
Jan. 21: Phubbing survey 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Gratitude Journals -- due Jan. 8th, 15th, 22nd on

Stress Management
Gratitude Journal
Due dates:

**All entries must be submitted via
Journal #1: Fri. Jan. 8th                                       
Journal #3: Fri. Jan. 15th                                       
Journal #5: Fri. Jan. 22nd

A gratitude journal is a great way to keep you in a thankful and positive state of mind.
The idea is that each week you will recognize the small, yet positive things in life and focus on them as opposed to all the negative things that are all too easy to focus on at times.
Assignment: Students will…
Each student will identify five (5) things that they are genuinely thankful for. In each entry you will list the previous items you were thankful for, this will ensure no repetition. (You may choose to point form list your previous entries without description, or copy and paste the full entry, both will be accepted)  Full description and detail as to why you are thankful for these items is required. At least one (1) ‘thing you are grateful for’ each week should focus on actions of others or things that happened that week that you are thankful for.
Tips and examples on how to get started:
·         Avoid repeating the same things. As the weeks go on, this will make writing your entries more challenging, but that's how your awareness and thankfulness will grow. You will be challenging yourself to find new things to be thankful for that perhaps you never noticed before.
·         It's easiest to recognize things that sustain your life here on Earth like your house, your bed, your clothes, your food etc. Be sure to explain how this makes you feel and why you're grateful for it.
o    Example - I am grateful for my house. My house warms my body and shelters and protects me. It gives me a sense of relief knowing that there is always a comforting place to come back to.
·         You can start by feeling grateful to be alive at all. Then start writing about feeling grateful to have the body you have, even if you don't like everything. Avoid the trap of being grateful for something that is better than what other people have. Instead, compare whatever you are grateful for, with how you would feel if you didn't have it at all.
·         There are always situations that have made us happy. For example, you may be grateful for a fun party, a good day at school/work, a fun vacation.
Assessment Rubric:
Needs Improvement
Delivery of Gratitude Entry
Entry has five (5) unique ideas in post. Rare misspellings occur. Items from previous week(s) are listed.
Entry has at least 4 ideas in post. Few grammatical or spelling errors are noted in post.
Fewer than four (4) ideas in post. Errors in spelling and grammar evidenced in several posts.
Detail & Description of Entry

For each point of gratitude a detailed description of why you are thankful for this is given.
A description is given for some of the points of gratitude but not all. A description is given for each, but they lack detail as to why you are thankful.
Points of gratitude are listed but lack description as to why these items make you thankful.
Expression within the post

Honest thought and a real connection to the purpose of the assignment is expressed in each post. At least one (1) item relates to the action of others or events that happened to you.
Some thought is put into the post; an occasional lack of connection to the purpose of the assignment is evidenced. Some entries appear rushed. Items do not relate to actions or events.
A lack of real effort and thought is noticeable. Hasty posts seem to be given just to complete assignment.