Family Living 621A Final Exam Review 2016
**You are responsible for all
hand-outs, notes, etc. This is an overview of the material you are responsible
How to Cope with Transition: Managing your Stress Levels (slideshow)
ü You are responsible for all notes
ü Gratitude article questions
Attraction and Love (slideshow)
ü Evolutionary psychology theory of
sexual attraction
ü Adaptive Behaviour for Sexual
Attraction (females vs. males)
ü Be able to discuss whether or not the
adaptive behavior for sexual attraction still applies today (not for yourself
personally, but look at the info. In your notes)
ü Social homogamy (definition, examples
of social homogamy)
ü Ideal Mate Theory (definition, how it
supports “love at first sight theory” and “social homogamy”)
ü Attraction as Fair Exchange
ü Sternberg’s Love Triangle (be able to
draw and label and explain – see worksheet)
ü Be able to distinguish between love
and infatuation (worksheet)
ü Intimacy (definition)
ü Science of Love (process, state of
ü Media’s portrayal of Love
ü Attributes of Romantic Love
ü Courtship (article “The Dating Mind”
ü Courtship rituals
ü Evolution of Dating
ü Mustein’s Filter Theory (hand-out)
ü Script Theory
ü 21st century mate
selection (possible challenges involved with online dating industry)
ü Dating Bill of Rights (hand-out)
Recognizing Healthy and Unhealthy
Relationships (slideshow)
ü Importance of Communication (things
good communicators do)
ü Conflict Resolution (strategies,
ü Recognizing the signs of healthy and
unhealthy relationships
ü Types of Dating violence (Sexual,
Physical, Emotional, Psychological, Financial)
ü Date rape (definition, male rape)
ü Be able to comment on the social
experiment video in the elevator – why do you think people did not intervene?
How is this perpetuating the issue of domestic violence?
ü Early Warning Signs of Dating
Violence (hand-out)
ü Profile of an Abuser (hand-out)
Gender Identity and Sexual
Orientation (slideshow)
ü Know all Key terms related to human
ü “No Libido Credo” questions
Final Exam Format: Multiple choice, fill in the blanks,
matching, true or false, short answer questions and an essay (**more
information to come on the essay.
Researched Essay: Future of Families (pre-planning
during Friday and Monday’s classes).