Saturday, January 17, 2015

Family Living 621A Final Exam Review (I will have a hard copy for you Monday)

Family Living 621A Final Exam Review 2015
**You are responsible for all hand-outs, notes, etc. This is an overview of the material you are responsible for.
Introduction to Families
ü  First Families (Why did we start grouping ourselves in family groupings?)
ü  First Family Groupings (hordes, group marriage, informal pairing)
ü  Definition of Family
ü  Six Functions of the Family (identify and describe)
ü  Context and Inclusivity in Canada's Evolving Definition of the Family Abstract (questions)
Family Patterns
ü  Types of Families
ü  Personalities of Families
ü  Family Life Cycle

Functions of the Family

ü  Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (be able to draw, label and explain)
ü  Adler's Birth Order Theory
ü  You must be able to explain these theories and apply them to presented scenarios
ü  Genie Wiley story (questions from folder assignment)
Society and the Family
ü  Socioeconomic status (define, effect on the family)
ü  Patterns of Low Socio-economic status (The Vicious Cycle Video)
ü  Be able to list and give definitions of institutions/organizations that aid families
ü  Four Feet Up (video)

Trends that Affect Families
ü  Be able to list and explain trends that affect families (ex: aging population, changing workplace, service industry, etc.)
Families and Culture
ü  Define culture
ü  Elements of culture
ü  Importance of culture
ü  How does The Universal Declaration of Human Rights relate to culture?
ü  Hall's Iceberg Model of Culture (be able to explain this model and give examples of the visible and invisible manifestations of culture)
ü  Terms: enculturation, cultural preservation, multiculturalism, ethnocentrism (be able to answer questions relating to these terms in your slideshow)
ü  Preserving Culture (how do we do this? Importance of traditions)
How to Cope with  Transition:  Managing your Stress Levels (slideshow)
ü  You are responsible for all notes
Sexually Transmitted Infections and You (slideshow)
ü  You must know the signs, symptoms, testing, and treatments for all STI’s
ü  Know the different forms of protection
ü  Understand how the stigmatization of STI’s leads to the spread of STI’s
ü  Partner notification

Relationships: Attraction and Love (slideshow)
ü  Evolutionary psychology theory of sexual attraction
ü  Adaptive Behaviour for Sexual Attraction (females vs. males)
ü  Be able to discuss whether or not the adaptive behavior for sexual attraction still applies today (not for yourself personally, but look at the info. In your notes)
ü  Social homogamy (definition, examples of social homogamy)
ü  Ideal Mate Theory (definition, how it supports “love at first sight theory” and “social homogamy”)
ü  Attraction as Fair Exchange
ü  Sternberg’s Love Triangle (be able to draw and label and explain – see worksheet)
ü  Be able to distinguish between love and infatuation (worksheet)
ü  Intimacy (definition)
ü  Science of Love (process, state of limerance)
ü  Media’s portrayal of Love
ü  Attributes of Romantic Love (hand-out)


ü  Courtship (article “The Sociology of Love, Courtship, and Dating” questions)
ü  Courtship rituals
ü  Evolution of Dating
ü  Mustein’s Filter Theory (hand-out)
ü  Script Theory
ü  21st century mate selection (possible challenges involved with online dating industry)
ü  Dating Bill of Rights (hand-out)

Recognizing Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships (slideshow)

ü  Importance of Communication (things good communicators do)
ü  Conflict Resolution (strategies, I-Messages)
ü  Recognizing the signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships
ü  Types of Dating violence (Sexual, Physical, Emotional, Psychological, Financial)
ü  Date rape (definition, male rape)
ü  Be able to comment on the social experiment video in the elevator – why do you think people did not intervene? How is this perpetuating the issue of domestic violence?
ü  Early Warning Signs of Dating Violence (hand-out)
ü  Profile of an Abuser (hand-out)

Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation (slideshow)

ü  Know all Key terms related to human sexuality
ü  “No Libido Credo” questions

The Marriage Relationship (slideshow)
ü  Marriage and the law
ü  Benefits (legal, societal, personal)
ü  Stages of marriage
ü  Causes of marital conflict
ü  Government’s role in the institution of marriage
ü  Marriage and the media
ü  Same sex marriage
ü  Common law vs. marriage (legal differences)
ü  Decline of marriage in today’s society (reasons)
Living on your own (slideshow)
ü  Costs of moving
ü  Budgeting
ü  Tenant and landlord’s rights and responsibilities
ü  Difference between a rental agreement and a lease
Final Exam Format: Multiple choice, fill in the blanks, matching, true or false, short answer questions and an essay (**more information to come on the essay.

Friday, January 16, 2015

STI Quiz on Monday and Final Folder Assignment List

Family Living 621 Final Folder Assignments 2015
Dec. 1st Balloon Tree
Dec. 1st. Love Triangle Theory
Dec. 1st. Attributes of Romantic
Dec. 1st Top 10 Characteristics
Dec. 1st I Am…I Love…I Believe
Dec. 1st Article Analysis
Dec. 1st Managing Your Time
Dec. 1st. Stress Booklet
Dec. 1st. All the Time it Takes
Dec1. Taylor Swift and Blank Space
Dec. 4th Dating Sheet
Dec. 12th Dating Do’s and Don’ts
Dec. 12th Booklet #70
Dec. 12th Murstein’s Filter Theory
Jan. 15th Marital Cartoons Sheet