Thursday, May 24, 2012
"Stupid Girls" Family Living Folder Assignment
Family Living Folder Assignment:
Do you think it is appropriate to call your friends by derogatory names?
Who do you think is an example of a smart woman in today’s society? What characteristics does this woman have? Explain.
Have you ever “wasted an opportunity to be yourself?” (Pink’s definition of stupid) Explain.
Do you think a show like “Girls Gone Wild” is an empowering opportunity for females – OR– do you think shows like this take power away from women. Explain.
Wedding Traditions Powerpoint Presentation
FAM621 Wedding Traditions of the World
Name: ________________________
Is it possible to define “Canadian wedding traditions?”
What wedding traditions are your family customs?
How important is it to you that you practice these traditions, if you get married?
Diversity exists worldwide in wedding traditions, and your task for this assignment is to examine wedding traditions from around the world, and compare them for similarities and differences.
Choose one culture’s wedding traditions to research and present to the class. Create a 3-5-minute presentation (10-15 slides), with visual interest in the form of images, video, text or hands-on demonstrations. Explain the historical background, cultural significance, and ways in which these traditions are practiced. You should have at least one slide at the end of your presentation which describes any patterns, similarities, or differences you see between the cultural significance of wedding traditions from various regions of the world. Describe how wedding traditions are used to affirm the values of a culture (pass it on). Please include a citation on EVERY slide.
Marriage Traditions of the World – Evaluation Name: ______________________________
Presentation includes a detailed, accurate description of the traditions and their cultural significance /10
Presentation is engaging with effective visuals or other forms of communication /5
Detailed and accurate description of culturally significant similarities and differences shows an in-depth understanding of those wedding traditions /3
The role of wedding traditions in affirming cultural values is discussed in an insightful and sophisticated manner, using specific examples. /2
Total: /20
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Folder Assignments and Test
Hi all,
Here is the list of folder assignments we have done to date (as promised)
Dating Sheet
I am, I hope, I believe sheet
I am a Rock -- response
Must Have List
"Stupid Girls" response
The Good Wife Guide response
Marial Cartoon worksheet
Your test Friday will be on all the notes we covered for Unit 2: Dating and Relationships. I have decided not to include the info on STI's. It WILL be on the final exam!!!!!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Research Paper Extension
If you uploaded your pictures for Operation Beautiful (5) you were given an extension for your research paper. This means you can now pass in your rough draft on Monday, May 14 and your final copy will be due Wednesday, May 16th.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Operation Beautiful Notes -- Extension
Just a reminder that your Operation Beautiful notes (for the extension on your research paper) are due tomorrow. Please upload them to the FB group or bring them in to class. No exceptions.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Tuesday and Wednesday May 1st and 2nd
We have been working on the major research paper in class (and in the computer lab). I handed out the rubric, checklist, and sample outline.
We will continue to work on the paper tomorrow. Students will not be permitted to go to the library, so please ensure that you have all your books/notes with you tomorrow.
Due dates:
Journal Entry #3: Due Wednesday May 9
Rough Draft Research paper: May 14th
Final Draft: Due Wednesday, May 16
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