Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wed. Feb 29th

Notes: The Effects of Bullying on the family
Passed back journals
Independent Novel Part I is due on Monday
Chapter 1 Questions pg.46 in your textbook --> due tomorrow.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Thursday, Feb.24

Chapter 3 notes (slideshow)
Operation Beautiful photos must be uploaded or taken to class on Monday.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Operation Beautiful Facebook Page!/groups/376584412369992/

Please join and upload all pictures/videos!

Tuesday Feb 21 & Wed Feb 22

Tuesday: Chapter 2 notes
Students finished presenting Goals and Motivations Assignments
Operation Beautiful is now due by Monday, Feb.27th

Silent Reading
Finished Ch.2 notes
Discussion with a partner relating to which life stage would be the most challenging and why -- also brainstormed ways to cope with the stresses of the most challenging cycle.

I have created an open Facebook group "Ms. Flick's Operation Beautiful". Please join the group and upload your pictures for your project.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday, Feb.17

Nursing students had Fam 621 students complete a VARK learning assessment, STI questionnaire, and STI pre-quiz.

Operation Beautiful Assignment

Watch videos:

Assignment: Your mission is become “part” of Operation Beautiful. Please write 5 positive notes of encouragement that might help boost another person’s self-esteem/self-concept.

Create seven (7) positive notes of encouragement to be displayed at a location of your choice.
Place your notes in various locations (please limit yourself to one note at CRHS). BE CREATIVE.
Be sure no one sees you when you are putting your note up!
Take a quick picture of your note.
Save pictures to a USB stick (I will be making a slideshow with your pictures!)
Fill out assignment sheet and create a collage (later date)

Assignment is due Thursday, Feb. 23

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wed. Feb.15

Silent Reading
Notes (Unit 1 booklet) -->obstacles facing families -->skills for family living -->
Homework: hand-out on values (to be completed as a folder assignment)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Finished Oral Presentation for "Goals and Motivations" assignment
No journal this week
New assignment tomorrow!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday Feb.13th

Friday: Went to library to choose a book for upcoming novel study.
Nursing students had class fill out questionnaires (they will be coming into class in March to do a presentation on stress management stategies).

Students passed in journal #1


Students passed in "Goals and Motivations" assignment
Students presented projects to the class (oral presentation worth marks)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thursday, Feb.9

Handed out worksheet on Adler's Birth Order Theory (questions to be completed for homework in notebooks)
Students interviewed their classmates and organized data in a chart (Folder Assignment)
Students copied down Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs in their note booklets
Students created their own personal hierarchy of needs (Folder Assignment)

Tomorrow: Journal #1 is due
Monday: Goals/Motivation Assignment is due

Adler Assignment:
Please read the provided articles and answer the following questions.
“The Birth Order Theory”
1. What is Alfred Adler’s Birth Order Theory?
2. Why was Adler misunderstood? Explain.
3. How does the “nature versus nurture” theory affect Adler’s theory?
4. Read Adler’s general classifications of birth order.
• Where do you fit in the order?
• Does your personality match the description?
• Where do your siblings fit in the order? Are their descriptions accurate? Explain.
“Adler’s Individual Psychology Theory”
1. Explain how Adler’s inferiority theory can affect an individual both positively and negatively.
2. Briefly describe Adler’s three parenting styles. Which is the best approach? Why?

Assignment: Interview at least ten people (you can include yourself) to determine if they fit Adler’s personality classification according to birth order.
Interview questions:
• Where do you fall in the birth order of your family?
• Use 3-5 words to describe yourself (ex: motivated, lazy, creative, punctual, etc)
• How many years are there between you and your siblings?
• What is your relationship like with your siblings?
• **if subject is an only child ask what their experience has been like growing up without siblings.
• If subject is a twin inquire about he personality difference between the two siblings. Does one twin fit in Adler’s classification of the first born/second born?
Please use a chart to organize the data you collect.

With your chart, please include a summary of your experience, with your conclusions relating to Adler’s Birth Order Theory and the data you collected.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wed. Feb 8

Silent Reading
Finished reading aloud articles on Birth Order Theory
Discussed how these theories applied to our own lives.
Journal #1 is due Friday
Goals/Motivations assignment is due Monday (you will present in class)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday, Feb.7

Handed out textbooks

Handed out Family Living Folder Log Sheets

New assignment --> short and long range goals relating to Maslow's Hierarchy of needs
Passed out assignment description and rubric (due: Monday, Feb. 13th -- must present to the class).

Talked about novel study --> we will be going to the library on Friday.

Silent Reading is tomorrow

Talked about Adler's Birth Order Theory --> handed out articles and started to read them aloud.

Journal #1 is due on Friday:)
Don't forget to complete your first Fam Folder assigment (Maslow's webquest)and record it on your log sheet.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday, Feb.6

Notes on family functions (slideshow -- booklet fill in the blanks)
Handed out Folder Assignment on "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs"
Went to computer lab to work on the assignment for the remainder of class
You will need a double-sided folder to use as your Family Living Folder (which will be taken in before midterms and finals to be marked).

Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday, February 3

Handed out course outline -- went over expectations
Handed out Unit I booklet (fill in the blanks notes, activities)
Discussion on pictures (slideshow) relating to families

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Welcome Family Living 621 Students:)
It was a pleasure meeting you all today -- I think we are going to have a great semester.

I plan on using this blog to update you on the day-to-day activities of the class and remind you of any upcoming assignments/tests.

If you miss a class, please first refer to the blog to see what you missed.

Today we created a list of things that we felt were necessary to make our classroom environment a safe and welcoming place.

Students completed student information sheets for me

See you all tomorrow! Ms. Flick:)